Annual Report (French only) – Leaflet
Our Vision
To support people and those around them so that everyone develops in accordance with their aspirations.
Our Mission
Vilavi’s mission is to contribute to the autonomy of people and to social progress (1).
Our Commitment

Vilavi is a non-profit organization that has been working with vulnerable people since 1989. Its programs are designed to help people regain their autonomy.
provides services to adult men and women with drug, alcohol and drug problems, those
experiencing chronic or episodic homelessness and since 2016 is active
with young people and young adults with autism spectrum disorder.
The activities are aimed primarily at residents of the Montreal Metropolitan
Community usually called Greater Montreal.
The Terrebonne Addiction Treatment Center is certified by the Centre Intégré de Santé et Services Sociaux de Lanaudière. It has been certified since 2002. In order to meet the needs of those people, Vilavi provides additional services to homeless people or at-risk of homelessness through housing with community support and it is now developing a Quebec Bill of Rights to ensure specific development in this prospect.
Vilavi Quebec is incorporated since January 11 2008, under the Law on Quebec Companies, Part III (L.R.Q., chap. C-38, art. 218).
Vilavi’s objective is the autonomy of the individual.
Board of Directors
- Gilles Beauregard : Director of a community-based organization, president
- Daniel Legault : Community representative, secretary
- Samuel Tremblay : Service user representative
- Carole Achour : Community representative
- Virginie Saine-Loiselle : Community representative, legal expert
- Simone Philpot : Community representative
- Marianne Brien : Community representative, CPA
- José Angel Rodriguez: Director of therapeutic community
- Salina Kassam : Community representative
Vilavi is a member organization of the RAPSIM (Réseau d’Aide aux Personnes Seules et Itinérantes de Montréal), the FOHM, the FOH3L (Fédération des OSBL d’Habitation de Montréal et de Lanaudière), of the « Table de concertation du faubourg Saint-Laurent » (TCFSL), the AQCID (association Québécoise des Centres d’Intervention en Dépendances), the MRC des Moulins, the TOMS (Table des Organismes Montréalais de lutte contre le SIDA) and RIOCM (Regroupement Intersectoriel des Organismes Communautaires de Montréal).
1273 rue Saint André, Montréal, Québec, H2L 3T1 – Tel : 514-875-7013
1600 Cote de Terrebonne, Terrebonne, Québec, J6Y 1G8 – Tel : 450-964-6566
(1) According to Vilavi, social progress refers to a « Fair and inclusive social development aimed at the global well-being of people and communities », without however defining a binding application that would be inconsistent with the very nuanced nature of each person and community. According to Wikipedia, there is a link between the improvement of living conditions and changes in social organization, which suggests that an organization like Vilavi can take concrete action to generate social progress (Wikipedia 2021, “ Social progress is the search for an improvement in the living conditions of human beings through a change in social organization.
Charity number 123654188RR0001 – TPS: 123654188RT – TVQ: 1014464405