About us...

Vilavi veut inscrire son action dans une dynamique de l’excellence. Sa charte est le reflet de cet engagement.

To support individuals and their families develop in accordance with their aspirations

Vilavi's mission is to return autonomy to people and to contribute to social progress.

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Vilavi is a non-profit organisation committed since September 7, 1989, to helping vulnerable populations in the context of residential programs, external prevention and treatment for addiction, housing for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and social housing with community support.

Vilavi offers its services to adult men and women facing issues related to alcohol, drug and medication addiction, as well as homeless persons, whether they are at risk of homelessness or are currently in an unstable residential situation, finding difficulty navigating the housing market. The organisation also seeks to support youth living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or another intellectual disability with severe behavioural issues.

Vilavi's addiction treatment center is certified by the Lanaudière Health and Social Services Center.


  • Gilles Beauregard: Community representative, director of a community organisation, president
  • Daniel Legault: Community representative, secretary
  • Samuel Tremblay: Community representative, user representative, treasurer
  • Carole Achour: Community representative, businesswoman
  • Virginie Saine-Loiselle: Member of the community, lawyer
  • Simone Philpot: Community representative
  • Marianne Brien: Community representative, CPA
  • Salina Kassam: Community representative, employee
  • José Angel Rodriguez: Community representative, employee

Vilavi is a member of theQuebec Association of Addiction Intervention Centerss (AQCID), du Réseau d’Aide aux Personnes Seules et Itinérantes de Montréal (RAPSIM), de la MRC des Moulins (CLDEM), de la FOHM et de la FOH3L (Fédérations d’OSBL d’Habitation – Montréal et Lanaudière), de la Table Régionale de l’Économie Sociale de Lanaudière (TRESL), de la Table des Organismes Montréalais de lutte contre le SIDA (TOMS), du Regroupement Intersectoriel des Organisme Communautaires de Montréal (RIOCM) et de la Table de concertation du faubourg Saint-Laurent.

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