Stimulating internship opportunities!

Vilavi offers stimulating internships where students can gain professional experience. The organisation focuses on offering long-term internships (250 hours +). These internships directly expose students to clinical practices used in addiction treatment centers. The students actively participate in interventions, they're in direct contact with admitted users. A cycle of internal onboarding and meetings allows to consolidate professional skills.

Everyone who is interested must send us a written request by email indicating the start date, end date, number of total hours and number of weekly hours, accompanied by a cover letter and CV to the following email address: stage@vilavi.caThe person in charge of internships will then contact you for more details on your request.

Supervision and evaluation: The internship is subject to supervision and evaluation for the goal of being able to give the intern the best means to carry out their task. Their opinion will be taken into consideration and they'll participate actively in the decisions they implement. These exchanges will allow for necessary adjustments throughout the internship, depending on the skills and competencies the intern has developped or the difficulties they'll have faced.

Limitations: No clinical decision can be made by an intern. No individual interview can be done by an intern. Rather, listening and mutual aid are recommended.

31 interns were welcomed in 2018: 14 medical interns, 6 substance abuse certification interns, 3 nursing interns, 1 psychoeducation intern, 1 police techniques intern, 1 accounting intern, 1 special education intern, 1 engagement intern and 3 international student interns. These internships expose students to the clinical practices used by Vilavi in various projects. The students will actively participate in interventions all while developing relational skills with the residents.

Over the course of 2018, a PhD student in social work notably executed with Vilavi, a thesis proect relative to the subjective experience of those who use drug addiction support services in Montreal.

Process for an international internship request

(In this text, the masculine terms are used as gender-neutral, in order not to make the text more dense).

  1. Anyone interested must send a written request by email, sending their cover letter and CV to the following address: The person responsible for internships will get into contact to follow up on the request.
  2. A date for video-conference interview will be set up in order to determine Vilavi's capacity to support the intern's venture. The person responsible for internships will correspond by email to confirm if the venture will be pursued or not.
  3. A checklist of requirements, such as those related to temporary immigration will be sent by email to the candidate.
  4. The candidate will send by email the objectives of their internship to the employee responsible for internships, who will integrate these goals into Vilavi's internship model. The employee responsible for internships and the candidate will agree on the contents of the internship and what to adapt in order to meet the academic goals of the student.
  5. The candidate will propose their beginning and end dates in the submitted email to the individual in charge of internships. A confirmation will be sent back by email, accompanied by the housing agreement, if applicable.
  6. Le candidat envoie la confirmation d’acceptation d’immigration Canada (Attention : Vilavi ne peut garantir l’acceptation par Immigration Canada, ni même l’admission sur le territoire Canadien qui est du seul ressort de l’agent d’immigration au point d’entrée).
  7. Le candidat est alors en mesure de prendre un billet d’avion pour se rendre à l’aéroport Montréal-Trudeau (Code YUL), il confirme le tout par courriel.
  8. La veille du vol le candidat envoie une confirmation de son heure d’arrivée.
  9. La personne responsable des stages confirme par courriel le transport par le personnel de Vilavi ou bien la nécessité de prendre un taxi en cas d’empêchement majeur.

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